PRESSREVIEW AboutRe4Real Review of press articles about Re4real and our project. The real revolution in plastic recycling lands in China Re4real will present its green innovation at the Italian Pavilion at Ecomondo China from 1 to 3 April Read on EnergiaPlus Ecomondo 2024: chemical recycling, mycelium and biofiller for award-winning start-ups The second edition of the Lorenzo Cagnoni Prize for Green Innovation at Repet, Smush Materials and AgroMateriae Read on Il Sole 24 Ore Ecomondo 2024, between art, recycling and new initiatives Repet – Settore: Circular and Regenerative Bio-economy. Vincitrice della seconda edizione del Premio Lorenzo Cagnoni per l’Innovazione Green Read on Canale Energia Live from Ecomondo - episode of 7/11/2024 The Start UPs live: Interview to Simone Di Trapani of Repet Re4Real on the chemical plant to convert plastic waste Listen on Rai Radio 1 Lorenzo Cagnoni Prize for Green Innovation: three start-ups awarded The first award-winning start-up is Repet with its prototype for a more sustainable and circular plastic cycle Watch on San Marino TV Lorenzo Cagnoni Award for Green Innovation at Ecomondo 2024 Award to Repet for its prototype bio-based chemical plant that converts plastic waste into new materials Read on InfoPackaging Ecomondo: six green start-ups that are good for the planet At Ecomondo, many Italian start-ups distinguished themselves through green projects. Here are six particularly virtuous ones Read on Vanity Fair